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GBP/USD: Likely to trade in a 1.2310/1.2550 range – UOB Group

Outlook is mixed; GBP could trade between 1.2390 and 1.2500. In the longer run, for the time being, GBP is likely to trade in a 1.2310/1.2550 range, UOB Group’s FX analysts Quek Ser Leang and Peter Chia note.

GBP cad continue to trade in a choppy manne

24-HOUR VIEW: “Yesterday, we expected GBP to ‘consolidate in a 1.2460/1.2540 range.’ Our expectation was incorrect, as GBP plummeted to 1.2361 before rebounding strongly to close at 1.2438 (-0.54%). The price action has resulted in a mixed outlook. Today, GBP could continue to trade in a choppy manner, likely between 1.2390 and 1.2500.”

1-3 WEEKS VIEW: “Following GBP rise to 1.2550 two days ago, we indicated yesterday (06 Feb, spot at 1.2505) that ‘upward momentum is increasing, but not enough to suggest a sustained advance.’ We added, ‘for a sustained advance, GBP has to break and remain above 1.2550.’ Yesterday, GBP plummeted to a low of 1.2361. The breach of our ‘strong support’ level of 1.2370 indicates that the buildup in momentum has faded. To put it another way, GBP is not ready to break above 1.2550. For the time being, it is likely to trade in a 1.2310/1.2550 range.”

EUR: A hawkish r-star? – ING

The European Central Bank will publish its staff revision on the neutral rate today, ING’s FX analysts Francesco Pesole notes.
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USD: Annual revisions may be big – ING

The US Dollar’s (USD) bearish momentum has eased into today’s US jobs release. Most of the tariff shock from last weekend has been absorbed, and markets are also probably reconsidering the optimism on a US-China deal.
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